
Bandai Namco migrates to a 100% Oracle Cloud environment for its ERP

Bandai Namco, the famous Japanese publisher and distributor of video games, carried out a major update to their ERP, Oracle E-Business Suite, because the old environment was no longer being maintained by the publisher. With plenty of ambition, their IT department decided to also migrate to a 100% cloud environment at the same time.

Two birds with one stone

"The upgrade of our Oracle ERP was an opportunity to rethink the hosting of our applications and databases in order to take advantage of the opportunities offered by cloud solutions." - David Aubert, CIO of Bandai Namco

The Oracle Cloud, a strategic and financial choice

Bandai Namco wanted to be less dependent on hardware issues, more agile in the long term and enjoy better cost control.

End-to-end support

Digora supported Bandai Namco in their selection of a cloud solution, the migration, integration and operational maintenance of this new cloud infrastructure through the provision of Managed Services.


It was a very complete and rewarding project since the solution we suggested to Bandai Namco included the technical integration, a Business Recovery Plan and Managed Services to guarantee adequate supervision and maintenance in operational condition for the ERP's IT infrastructure.

“The entire project lasted 18 months but Digora only had to intervene, in fact, for two months to set up the environment in the Oracle Cloud," says David Aubert, CIO Europe at Bandai Namco

All too often, we forget about a DRP in the cloud

Until now, we have implemented a DRP (Disaster Recovery Plan) in the Oracle IaaS Cloud by distributing the environments in the Oracle data centres in Frankfurt and London.

Why did Bandai Namco choose Digora?

“We chose Digora because it is a long-standing partner for us. We have been working with Digora for over 10 years." - David Aubert, CIO Europe at Bandai Namco

What were the results?

“For our businesses, this migration was completely transparent. We have now gained a lot of flexibility on the IT side to set up new environments, add more power and especially implement our DRP which ensures real security that we did not previously have." - David Aubert, CIO Europe at Bandai Namco


Contact Thierry to find out more

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South-East manager
Contact Thierry