Digoriens en temps d'échange

People, values & moments

Far from being empty words, we are committed to supporting our employees and remain faithful to the values that have driven us from the start.

Digora was created in 1996 by two Alsatian friends. Today, our venture is recognised as an expert in data management. This was only possible thanks to our 150 employees, who support our customers on a daily basis and with a great deal of passion (both mid-size & very large companies).

Digora and its talents are above all driven by encounters.

Whether you have a lot of experience or are young graduates, we care about the value you can add. Always looking for excellence, we are constantly searching for people from all walks of life and we are committed to offering you the opportunity to grow and build a career that resembles you! You too can take part in the adventure!

Faithful to our values

We strive to offer a stimulating and rewarding work environment for each employee in order to support them throughout their professional life. Everyone is encouraged to get involved in the social life of the company through social or environmental projects. Since its creation, Digora has established teleworking as an option for all employees, allowing everyone to adjust their pace.

Be an innovative player at Digora

One of our strengths is our capacity for innovation and our desire to go beyond current limits. Here, you can use your skills on challenging projects on a daily basis, cultivate each other's knowledge and transform your ideas into practical solutions. Become an innovative player in the Digora family!


Passionate team members

We chose controlled growth in our workforce


of our interns and apprentices were hired in 2019 (5/8)

We consider it very important to commit to training, youth employment and the collaboration with several schools.


days of training provided per year

On average, each employee benefits from more than 2 days of training each year to stay at the forefront of their profession.

Moments when our values take on their full meaning

Kick Off

The Kick Off to start the year properly

At the start of the year, we all come together in an eclectic place for a friendly and relaxing moment, to see our colleagues again, but also to take stock of the year and define future goals.

Apero fin mois

End of month aperitifs

At the end of the month, we like to meet in the offices for a gourmet aperitif. But some colleagues don't wait until the end of the month to prepare delicious pastries for us!

Repas agence

Virtual cafes & after work evenings

Throughout the year, each team and office regularly organises virtual reunions or get togethers outside the agency to share a cup of coffee and discuss anything and everything (except work!). We’re not machines!

Moment entre Digoriens

Collective intelligence

These moments when we’re among our own - including members of the management - and our collective intelligence workshops are setup to explore all the ideas surrounding digital transformation.

les différents éléments de la RSE

A sense of commitment

We encourage our employees to get involved by donating to an association. There's just one condition: the association must correspond to Digora's values and the company's CSR approach.

Ruches sur la terras du siège social de Digora

Hives on the roof!

In order to help preserve biodiversity, DIGORA has installed 4 beehives on the terrace of its Strasbourg offices. Our employees can thus enjoy a very floral and hyper local honey!

Our HQ

As it was founded by two Alsatians, it is only natural that our head office would be setup in Strasbourg. HOPLA !

Digoriens en temps d'échange dans les locaux
Collaboratrice à son poste de travail

It's the place you can't miss - everyone meets in the kitchen or in the relaxation area to share a coffee, have an informal meeting or enjoy a hot croissant or some fruit from the weekly fruit basket.

Like our company policy, the premises are transparent and colourful!

Collaboratrice dans la salle de pause
Terrasse du siège social à Strasbourg

Our colleagues talk about us



Cloud Solution Specialist

I joined Digora 11 years ago as an intern. Following that, I was hired as a System Consultant to then be promoted to Pre-Sales Consultant and then Cloud Solution Specialist.


Oracle DBA Consultant

I love my job for what it is, for what it gives me from a human and technical point of view.



Pres-Sales Consultant

It is a human-scale company ready to meet the challenges of the future.



Management & Piloting Assistant

At Digora, they quickly trusted me, which allows me a to have a high degree of autonomy in my work.



Pre-Sales Manager

What I like most about Digora is having a lot of responsibility and autonomy in developing solutions for our customers.
