Services managés

Managed Services, ensure the availability of your Information System

Thanks to Managed Services, you can guarantee up to 99.9% availability for your Information System. You don't need to worry about how your IT works anymore. Focus on your organization's IT strategy.

Services managés Digora

Ensure 24/7 availability for your IS

We guarantee the continuity of your business applications, the availability of your critical data, thus allowing you to work in complete transparency and to focus on value-added tasks for your organisation.

As a Managed Services Provider, we monitor your environments in the cloud and on premise. At the slightest alert, our experts can intervene in your environments to guarantee their availability, performance and security.


Up to 99.9% guaranteed availability

We guarantee up to 99.9% availability 24/7 thanks to our operational maintenance solution and the proactive interventions of our IT experts.

Database cloud

Monitor your environments on premise and in the cloud

Our monitoring solution can easily be deployed across all of your on-premise or cloud environments.

Save time

Free up time for your IT teams

Thanks to our Managed Services, your IT teams will be able to focus on tasks with high added value to invent the future of your IT.

Our services

Our Managed Services solutions are available in 4 levels of service with guarantees that adapt to your needs and cover a very wide range of databases, systems, network technologies, etc.


Administration Service

Guarantee the availability of your environments thanks to real-time operational maintenance and proactive interventions, with guarantees of up to 99.9% 24/7 availability.

Service administration

Monitoring Service

Monitor your environments with automatic alerts up to 24/7. Our experts can intervene in 30 minutes depending on the level of criticality.

Service supervision

Operated Cloud Services

Are your cloud environments sufficiently protected? Most Cloud Service Providers oversee and administer the lower layers of the infrastructure. Guarantee the availability of the upper layers of your cloud environments (middleware, databases, OS and VM) and take advantage of cloud-specific interventions.

Infrastructure Cloud & Cloud opéré

Operational Services

Do you want to plan actions on demand? Our experts intervene ad hoc in your environments according to a catalogue of customisable procedures (ITIL) that we make available to you.

Service d'exploitation

Customer Case: the Tours university hospital has chosen Managed Services to meet these availability challenges

For the university hospital in Tours, the availability of applications is essential when it comes to applications such as the administrative management of patients, pharmaceutical production or laboratory results.

To ensure smooth operation, 5 databases are under 24/7 supervision by Digora.

“Digora has been able to meet our requirements by setting up probes on our infrastructures and creating alert feedback systems allowing them to intervene right on time or even to do preventive work.”

Didier Provot, IT Manager of the university hospital in Tours

CHRU de Tours