Transformation innovation

Transformation through innovation

IT and digital technologies are rapidly evolving Take the lead with our innovation-driven approach to lead your digital transformation!


Why talk about innovation together:

Since 2016, we have structured our innovation approach to get better and better at meeting your needs and overcoming your challenges. We want to offer you the solutions of tomorrow through fast-paced experimental development. Our approach is iterative, adaptive, and takes into account your constraints and your businesses.


Platform for IoT, an opportunity for your business

Exploit new data sources with connected objects through an IoT platform and create more value for your business! (data visualisation, malfunction alerts, creation of new services, etc.)

Cloud Network

Data lake, use your data differently

Centralise and store large volumes of heterogeneous data - data already in your IS or not yet - to use them more easily as part of a business project with high added value.


DevOps, automate and make your processes more reliable

Eliminate your repetitive and complex tasks through automation tools in order to reduce production workload and risks and to make the life cycle management of your applications more reliable.

Usecase: Creation of a platform for IoT

Monitor the measurements of an entire fleet of connected and distributed objects

Our customer, a manufacturer and seller of cathodic protection - aimed at preventing the corrosion of pipes - had to monitor the measurements of its fleet of sold devices. To do this, he needed an IoT platform that not only made it possible to collect, store and visualise a large amount of data, but also to be deployed in the cloud as well as in his customers' systems.

An adapted and extensive response

Digora has designed and developed a specific IoT platform based on containerisation technologies that facilitate portability. Beyond the mere technological solution, we have supported the customer in the development of the platform, its maintenance in operational condition, and built a strong and lasting relationship while doing so.

Plateforme IoT

Usecase: Creation and operation of a log data lake

More visibility into the level of security

Our customer, a digital marketing specialist, wanted to be able to monitor the activities in his various databases. He wanted to ensure both security and user access monitoring, but also the ability to justify these security mechanisms through appropriate and configurable dashboards for all of his database.

An iterative and realistic response

Digora suggested beginning with a more restricted scope including only priority databases. This approach made it possible to quickly create a visually exploitable data lake, while laying the foundations for future developments, in line with the new needs of the customer.


Usecase: Containerisation of an application in the cloud

An application with insufficient performance

Our customer, a software publisher, had performance issues on one of his applications hosted on a virtual machine in the cloud. Digora provided support in the selection of a more suitable cloud provider and carried out a containerisation of the application to facilitate deployment.

A Proof of Concept to make the right decision

Beforehand, Digora carried out database benchmarking on one hand, and the creation of containers on the other, to validate the selection of the cloud provider. This PoC (Proof of Concept) made it possible to efficiently select the right technologies and proceed gradually with the migration.

Conteneurisation d’une application dans le cloud