
Our culture & commitments

Our culture is based on people, pragmatism, and a sense of service and sensitivity to the needs of others and our environment. We weigh our words carefully, and execute our mission with passion.

Committed relationships

Act with you

With our customers, partners and employees, we work on the development of a true community, and make the quality of our relationships the foundation for our actions. Give and afford yourself the means for a close, sincere and lasting relationship.

Daily action

With agencies and experts throughout the country, we get involved with you and your teams on a daily basis to think through, build up and ensure the smooth function of your infrastructure.



Usefully simple

Be pragmatic

We’re guided by pragmatism, and do not submit to temporary fads. For the benefit of our customers, and along with our partners, our experts only adopt technologies, trends and practices if they are genuinely useful.

To shed light on innovations and technologies

The presence of multiple fields of innovation complicate the work of IT teams. Driven by an ambitious investment policy and an agnostic outlook on technologies and associated best practices, we watch, test, and deploy to support you in your challenges.


Intensity as a Service

At your service

While some might focus only on technological progress as a means of solving every problem, we build on a strong culture of service. We commit together to form an organisation that is available, responsive and deeply committed to our customers.

By combining business and IT issues

Organisations are becoming systemic and digital technology crosses business lines. We believe in IT that is directly linked to the goals of the organisation to support the digital transformation of companies and professions while respecting your budget constraints.


Sustainably responsible

With our strong commitment to a socially positive and sustainable approach, we believe that companies like ours have a strong responsibility to use their resources to act. We defend healthy growth by taking specific actions for the future every day. We have to do our part.

Durablement responsables

Our societal action

We have named our values and turned them into tangible action.

See our societal activity

Gender equality index

Professional equality between women and men is essential.

See the equality index

Ethics Charter

With the pride we feel for our values, we have created a charter for all our partners and employees.

Read the ethics charter